30 Swan Road Morwell, VIC 3840 Australia
Monday - Friday 07:30am-4:00pm
(03) 5134 5155

H3 Azole Green

H3 Azole Green Treated Wood Preservation using the Tru-Core® Process (Permethrin-based)


H3 Azole Green Treated Wood Preservation is highly durable and robust against all termites, decays and rots in harsh climates, making this ideal for outdoor above-ground use.

This water-based treatment offers the highest wood preservation technology for Australia’s harsh climate. H3 Azole “Timbertreat™A” (link) is an Insecticide/Fungicide Wood Preservative with superior penetration into the glue lines of engineered wood for superior protection. Ideal use for:

  • Engineered wood products
  • Plywood flooring
  • Posts & framing
  • Hand rails
  • Subfloor timbers
  • Fascia boards
  • LVL beams & Joists
  • Bargeboards
  • Verandah posts
  • Exterior cladding

Treatable Timber Species

Treatable Timber Species include Radiata Pine and other softwood species and hardwood species according to AS1604.1 for timber products.

Radiata Pine

Victorian Ash

Red & White Baltic Pine

Douglas Fir / Oregon

The Fisher’s Timber will treat timber types such as Softwood or Hardwood Timber, meeting the relevant specification for grade and moisture content according to requirements, and other types of wood on request.

Treated Timber 25 year warranty
Tru-Core Timber Treatment


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Treatment Process

The Tru-Core® Process (Patented and Patents Pending) can be used to fully penetrate many different types of wood products. This treatment process can also be used to penetrate heartwood, “hard to treat” wood species, and the multiple glue lines of engineered wood products.

The Tru-Core® Process can be used to treat wood while maintaining wood product properties and the low water uptakes during treatment assist with meeting end product wood product moisture specifications.

The Tru-Core® Process provides either in- line or batch treatment options for wood product manufacturers.

Additional Information:

Australian-Standards Compliant:
Timbertreat A Azole Insecticide/Fungicide Preservative is a water-based formulation of propiconazole and tebuconazole (1:1) plus permethrin. A vacuum pressure process is used to treat timber to meet the AS1604.1 H3 treatment standard.

For H3 treated Hardwood, the AS Standard requires complete penetration of the sapwood and a portion of the heartwood to be penetrated and treated to achieve a specified chemical retention. The heartwood penetration requirement depends on the natural durability rating for the timber species, timber piece dimensions and proportion/location of any heartwood in the timber piece cross-section.

Refer to AS1604.1 H3 for more information on the penetration requirements.