Upon reciept of the timber by the client, the timber is inspected for damage, measured and weighed. The client is consulted as to the intended use of the treated timber and the appropriate solution required. Fisher's use the TRU-CORE Wood for Life® Process, a water-based treatment that offers the highest wood preservation technology for Australia's harsh climate. Solutions include H2 TRU-CORE Red® (Permethrin), H3 Azole Clear Timbertreat™A or H3 Azole Green Timbertreat™A to ensure the highest treatment for its inteded use, be it above-ground, for construction or domestic structures.
The Fisher's Timber Treatment process begins with the untreated wood being inserted into the treatment cylinder. In this step, the air inside the cylinder is removed by the vacuum pump. The vacuum pressure process is used to treat timber to meet the AS1604.
Once the air has been vacuumed from the cylinder, the treatment solution can be transferred into the chamber. The timber is treated using the TRU-CORE Wood for Life® solution.
The TRU-CORE® solution is a water-based formulation and is used to fully penetrate the wood to the core, including glue lines. The solution is forced deep into the wood using the pressurized force. This will ensure no termite attacks, nor borers, and the flexibility to manufacture and manipulate the wood without risking decay or insect attack, as there is no exposed timber that is untreated, at any point.
Once the treatment solution has ben delivered and the pressure cycle is complete, the remaining timber treatment solutions will be transferred back to its storage tank and a final vacuum will begin. Once the vacuum is complete, the treated timber will be removed and weighed to ensure satisfactory uptake of the solution, and the process concludes.